Quick Facts

Pool Fence Compliance

Pool Fence Compliance checks

Pool Fence or Pool safety Barriers need to be compliant to the standard for the year the pool was built, when selling in South Australia. If your pool is built Pre July 1993 or after June 2010 it will need to comply with the 2012 rules. If your pool was built in-between then it will need to comply with the 1993 rules. Our safety checks ensures compliance and certificate at meeting all government and local council regulations.

New pool safety barrier regulation are updated every year and this will effect pools pre 1993 and any current new pools.

Our safety audit ensures that all areas of the pool safety barriers meet the State and local council requirements for the AS1926.1 1993, 20012 and any Government amendments depending on the year your pool was built. Working to Government and Local Council regulations you can feel safe you have the right advice. We work across all council areas in SA.

Compliance is inline with the view of the SA Government and the regulation that need to be met when selling a home with a pool. Our aim is to provide you the seller with the most COST effective way to meet the requirements for pool safety.

Our inspection will cover all areas and solutions to problems as our team have building backgrounds we can provide an easy to read plan to get the job done. After the first inspection if work is needed we make ourselves available by phone to talk directly to you or your trades on any tips or advice you need along the way to getting the compliance.

Remember pool fences and especially gates need checking and maintenance. The ground does move, kids swing on gates and these areas need to checking to ensure correct operation at all times.

We are a hassle free service provider which believes in compliance, safety regulations and customer satisfaction. Just get in touch with us for the best deals and details on our services.

Safety Barrier Check includes

  • Gates close and latch
  • Boundary fence meets code
  • Pool Fence meets code
  • Report outline actions to be taken to fix issues
  • Letter of compliance issued on passing Safety requirments
  • Referred trades if required

Cost $165 inc GST
included letter of compliance if all barriers and gates meet code.

Our role is to help you get your pool compliant ready for sale, and will advise the most cost effective way to meet code.

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